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Давайте создадим родовое Поселение в Ирландии

I am just one person - but with a dream to see the first ancestral estate in Ireland. I am looking for people who have also read the books of Vladimir Megre "Anastasia - the Ringing Cedars". It is precisely by these ideas that I want to found such a village.
I also don't have an exact place. But I have in mind somewhere near Foxford, Co. Mayo. There land is cheaper, and there is low pressure from the population centres. Nature is a bit more wild. There is lots of natural beauty. And it should be easy to find good drinking water (to make a well, or to collect if from the rain coming from the Atlantic ocean). I am from Ireland and I know this area well, so I can add much more information if it will be useful.

Я всего лишь один человек, но мечтаю увидеть первое Поселение родовых помести в Ирландии. Я ищу людей, которые также читали книги Владимира Мегре "Анастасия - звенящие кедры". Именно этими идеями я хочу основать такую деревню/поместье.

Родовое Поселение